Mark your calendar for this “design your own holiday earrings” jewelry making fund raiser this holiday season! Our local FosterYourFuture.Org 501(c)3 Charitable will be sponsored by Gallagher’s Gallery & Frame Shop’s fund raiser this year. Make jewelry for those on your gift list. Foster Your Future supports young adults after they have left the foster care system. We thank those that have already given their time and goods and now we desperately need your financial support to continue to help these young adults become successful self-sufficient community members. We provide rental assistance, bus passes, food, clothing, laptops, books, household goods and more. We also have weekly mentors that help with life skills including learning to drive, accompanying them to register for college classes, exploring career paths, opening a bank account, get their S.S. card, learning to budget, cook, clean their apartment, read a lease… They have someone to call. 100% of your donations go directly to this Charity, there are no salaried positions, founders pay all administrative costs. Consider sponsoring a young adult, donating online at www.FosterYourFuture.Org a secure Pay Pal account, through at no cost to you or send a check to Foster Your Future 13235 N. Verde River Drive BOX 397 Fountain Hills, AZ 85268. Call or e-mail me anytime on how you can help a young adult succeed, [email protected] 602-478-5850. Design your own earrings, supplies included at $10/pair and all funds go to Foster Your Future Young Adults and their programs. This will be at Gallagher’s Gallery and Frame Shop on Saturday, November 23rd 10 am – 2 pm 12625 N Saguaro Blvd, Suite 116 at the Plaza Fountainside. I hope to see you there!